Buy Ace Hardware eGift Card with Bitcoin

Ace Hardware

Ace Hardware eGift Card


( $5 to $250 )

Members will earn up to 45 eGifter Points™

Use Online

Use In-Store

Instant Delivery

Secure Payment

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You can pay for Ace Hardware eGift Cards with:

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Valid for use in the United States only

Ace offers the resources of a trusted, national brand with the personal touch of a neighborhood hardware store. By offering a more personal kind of helpful, we ensure our customers succeed at taking care of and maintaining their home. Neighborly. Experienced. Straight-forward. Good-humored. Community centric.

Redemption Instructions

Using your eGift Card is simple!

You can redeem your eGift Card on or in an Ace Hardware store, see instruction below for in store:

  1. Print this page
  2. Bring this printed eGift Card to any Ace Hardware
  3. Give this eGift Card to the Team Member at the time of payment
  4. Any unused amount can be used towards future purchases

Questions or Comments? Email our Customer Service at:

Ace Hardware Redemption Instructions:

Please accept this eGift Card like any other Ace Gift Card. To redeem funds from this eGift Card, scan the barcode or follow the normal steps for manual gift card redemption on your point of sale system. If any balance remains on the eGift Card, please return this eGift Card to the customer along with a copy of their eGift Card receipt.

This eGift Card is redeemable only for purchases at participating Ace Hardware locations or online at It cannot be used to purchase gift cards or pay Ace Hardware accounts. Except as required by law, this card is non-refundable and cannot be returned or redeemed for cash. Each time this card is used, the purchase amount will be debited against the available balance. This card does not expire and has no fees. Lost or stolen cards will be replaced for the remaining value only with card number and satisfactory proof of purchase. For complete terms and conditions, visit Purchase, use or acceptance of this card constitutes acceptance of all terms and conditions, including a binding confidential arbitration clause and waiver of your rights to a jury trial and class action participation. This card is issued by Ace Incentives, Inc.

For balance inquires please visit or call 1-888-827-4223

Why buy Ace Hardware eGift Cards with eGifter?

Ace Hardware eGift Cards are ideal presents for friends, family, and colleagues. It's the perfect last-minute online gift for birthdays, holidays, graduations, weddings, milestones and more. With eGifter you can effortlessly send a personalized, thoughtful gift card either by email, text or printed at home. Don't worry about loosing a gift card, all your purchases and gifts are stored in a convent wallet, ensuring it is always accessible. Discover the simplicity and satisfaction of giving a Ace Hardware eGift Card gift card today!

How to buy Ace Hardware eGift Cards with eGifter?

  1. Go to or type "Ace Hardware eGift Card" into the gift card catalog search bar.
  2. Choose to buy Ace Hardware eGift Cards for yourself or send as a gift with a personal message, photo or video. Choose an e-greeting card design and schedule the delivery date and time for email or text.
  3. Pay for Ace Hardware eGift Cards.

Buying for business?

Buy Ace Hardware gift cards in larger quantities for businesses and organizations.

Gift Card Balance Check

Check the balance on your Ace Hardware eGift Card

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Ace Hardware Frequently Asked Questions